Mother hates Liars


I’m going to ask you one more time. Who broke my favorite tea cup? If it wasn’t you then who. You and I are the only two who live in this house. If you didn’t do it then you must have had someone else in this house without permission might I add. WHO BROKE IT?! Come here you lying little shit! Take off your pants and boxers now, over my knee. I’m leather whip. This is the fourth time I’m going to ask you this, who broke my cup! I whip you hard, three times. No answer. Ok. I take out my wooden paddle. Who did it? Nothing. Then you feel the freezing cold sting of my steel paddle across your ass. You scream “No, please mistress! I’ll tell you! Please I dont like that one!” I shout at you “You’re not supposed to like this you stupid slut” “I did it ma’am, I broke it. I wanted to be fancy like you!” I hit you once more! Don’t you ever touch my shit again!



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#LeatherWhip #WoodenPaddle #PhoneSex

Welcome To My Playroom

phonesexNow that you’re in here its time to play! Now walk over here and lay down on this table and I am going to strap you onto it where I have full access to your body but you can’t move, which mean’s you have to surrender yourself to me! I’m going to take and place the ball gag into your mouth so you can’t scream too loud.
I want you to feel helpless and out of control I want to watch your body try to squirm and wiggle, but no matter what you can’t break free! Now I am going to take some hot water and start to pour little trails up and down your tummy and chest! I hear you groan out loud. Aww, you poor little whore does that hurt! I can’t understand
you with that ball gag in your mouth! In one hand I have the wax and in the other, I have a nipple clamp. I am going to pour the nice hot wax down your chest and tummy then at the same time I am going to add the nipple clamp on your nipple. That feels good doesn’t it? I can see your cock starting to get nice and hard for me! But remember
you have to ask permission to cum! I add the other nipple clamp on you and pour some hot wax next to your erection and I see you start to try to pull away and I grab a hold of my whip and lightly give you a little smack across your tummy to let you know to quit moving! Every time I smack you with the whip it will get harder and sting way more
and we don’t want that do we! Didn’t think so! I squat next to your tight ass and lube up my medium sized butt plug and gently shove it up your ass I hear you moan out louder! Call me for some Domination Phone Sex!
Or click HERE to chat with a phone sex mommy!
#dominationphonesex #mistress #nippleplay

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